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Talking is the conversion of energy into the abstract state of expression. When the heart feels and the mind knows little other ways to tell, it resorts to talking. In this, we see all expression in one way or another, such that the dividual for whom has zero to talk to, resorts to talking in the form of projection. Whereas the dividual who sees the need for their own expression, will find a friend or a therapist for whom they may talk and talk until it is all expressed. Therapy then, is the sounding board of oneself when posed with the questions they choose to ignore. Speech in all its power held under the words or speech of God, or within the media or other ‘authority’, from which their expression is held with respect and taken on by the masses for whom wish to hear it. Such that one’s word holds such power of reality in that if one is true to their word they find opportunities abound, that when they say they shall do something, it is that thing that is done. The pre-expression of one’s will and the subsequent achievement of it provide a respect from other dividuals, this is known, and only needs speaking.
