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So, when the opportunity to learn a new skill is lacking… search for it.

So, when the anger of another is projected onto you, reply with loving understanding.

So, when you feel insecure in your understanding of something, ask and work until it is clear.

So, when you feel the self-justifying tug of complacency powered by the idea that tomorrow is promised… show the ego who is boss and do it right then and there.

So, when you feel to be right in between the fall of all and the rise of the heavens, know that that is the exact place to be. Dangerously safe.

These heuristics and more operate within this realm for your service, do your best to create these and test them brutally. If the heuristic holds through many contexts, then adopt it until it lets one through, or adapt such heuristic.

Take the courage to choose a direction and stick to it through hardship, adjust when and only when necessary. He who changes direction at every whim or whiff of trouble, is he who is always stuck at the beginning.

Focused consistency is key, always.
