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When true creativity strikes, make use of it. This is the essence of the universe: the creational power of love. To sit within your flow and innerstand the calling that plays across the most articulate and real screen known to all consciousness: the mind. The penultimate viewing of reality, only to the eye of God.

Many spend their time learning to express what it is that strikes within their mind. As to communicate such is a far greater task than to feel and see it within your mind’s eye.

Gratitude is one of the highest resonances in existence, and when this creativity begins, remember to thank the creator for whom has brought all that led up to the moment and the moment itself. “Thank you, God, for this day, for all else and all there is.”

Replace your energetic innerstanding of ‘God’ with the notion of the universe or any thing else. There is a framework of feeling humble as to your exploits, that all is given. As such is it called the present.

The true inception of such a creative strike has led to the touching of many souls across history. One ultimate piece of art can affect the creative yearnings of millions to billions. A true legacy if there ever was one.
