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Check in with yourself daily. When it comes to food cravings or elsewise match yourself with ensuring you know where it is coming from. Parasitic inhabitants or poor habits could be to blame for such action. It is your duty to know this and adjust your actions accordingly, short term pleasure bodes as little progress in the way of the larger journey.

These habits may manifest themselves in the form of thought patterns that operate to fail you. Limits that we place upon ourselves exist to be broken. A safety barrier if you will.  Once the appropriate skill level is reached, it is to break past them. The obstacle is the way. Solve each minute detail and watch the game fall into the palm of your hand.

What serves you can be defined as to what aids in progressing you toward the clear vision you have as a part of this journey. In the same way that eating well serves your vision of holding an athletic and healthy vessel. Whereas consistently eating junk serves to thwart that vision.

Clarity on the vision itself is key, once that has been written or otherwise recorded… it is to then get stuck in the 1% or even 0.01% increments that get you there. Presence in the moment matters far more than living for tomorrow. Ensure that the vision is there, and then sit in the here and now and take that action.
