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When the escapist inclination tugs, remind yourself to check into where it is seeded. To escape a lion is to ensure one’s survival. To escape to a fictional world is less dire. It is to ensure a healthy moderation, to an extent that escaping into fiction is a past-time in the rest and recovery stage of work. If escapism begins to seep into the time allotted for meaningful work, then it is time to curb the habit back to that healthy moderation.

Allow it to serve you in rejuvenation and creativity. Ensure it remains in that scope, for anything more than that and one is looking at an inundated habit of suppression through escapism.

The problems you face, those obstacles, and designed to point to the next step in your journey. Do well to solve them soon and solve them well. To solve an obstacle before it arrives results in the sky-rocketeers we see. An overnight success is built on consistent work, and a breaking point of solving several issues before or as they arise.

All in counter-balance with one another. Synonymous.