So then, why that? Why some object? Why this specific person? Why desire at all?
Amend your desires simply: question them to the end of all.
Why do you want this thing? Why do you want this person? Why them specifically? Why that colour of thing specifically? Break past the barriers of perceived understanding such as: “because its cool” and seek the true causation for such a feeling to manifest.
Is it that person that you desire due to the inherent connection you feel with them? Or is it the romanticised persona that you project onto their form that brings such desire?
Does that thing serve to fill a void you feel to have? Is it to replace the shadow work of expressing such loss to finally fill that hole in the psyche? Why we do things is as important as the things done in the first place. Energetically, intention and action are identical. In this 3D plane, action is the manifestation of intent toward such.
This is found to ring throughout the bible and other religious sacred texts. The desires and consequential thoughts we listen to, are the intentions that govern aspects of our sub-conscious. Be aware of this and recognise when it is that you want something for well-intention, and when it is likened to a child’s plaything.
Use discernment.