There is always reason to do more of what you consistently do. To test the limits and see how far you can push the paradigm you have set for yourself. To raise the bar and meet it once more. There are things within this plane that you are capable of that is manifested through putting your beliefs and limits under examination.
Such scrutiny serves to ensure that what you operate on, that foundation, is built to serve you and the direction you have chosen. Cyclic periods of testing your limits and slower within-bounds are necessary to stimulate growth. To fight the dragon and then recuperate in good spirits until next time.
To begin, simply check yourself, make an intentional effort to notice your rationalisations of ‘shortcut’ methods within the day. Whether that be the justification to stay the same in your training regime or otherwise. See it, and then take that train of thought and do right the opposite.
“We’ve done enough sets today” = “Okay, let’s do one more”
“Stick to the normal routine of chores” = “What if I did more than that each day”
“I should just rest up and watch a show” = “That time can be spent going after the vision”
As with the latter, a reminder that this is cyclic. There are periods in which the rest is essential. Pick your battles. Fight your dragons. Rest in brilliant spirits.