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You can be in it and of something different. There is something to be said for skirting around parties for which do not align to your vision. If faced with the context in which you must… here is the gently reminder that you may be within the ‘mud’ and still be built of something inherently different.
Why? Guilt by association does little to calm the psyche, with this you may remind the ego that herein lies a context in which you may be with these people and be within this social construct, and yet you are separate from it. All in self, separate in the intentional duality of choice and responsibility. Of which such divergence makes up the whole when together.

Revel in this, and pay close mind to ensure you stay out of it. Identity is built over time, consistent exposure and action-to-thought processes. Be wary of the consistent exposure to crowds heading for a vision different from yours, learn from those who have been where you want to go, that is the key.
