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You are here to experience it. Dictating it is outside of your locus of control. It is within reason that one would then surrender. Surrender to God and surrender to all that is and will be. Such is less a defeatist attitude and more so a division of tasks. In the same turn that the problems of other avatars pertain little to you and thus are theirs and theirs to solve. A division of tasks ensures that one’s focus is cantered on what is fruitful, that otherwise one may as well be complacent in their stead, if to fight against the very nature of reality and God. Who are you if so mighty?

Divide your reality into what you can control and what is outside of that. Choose to take action on that which you can change. And learn to accept the difference.

If one lives with a state of belief within God’s ability to ensure the machinations of the universe to work in your favour, then sit content in your acceptance. What you may feel tempted to lament, may appear insignificant in the face of what happens next.