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So what does one do with such radical acceptance of factors outside their control? They laugh it away. It is the trivial notion of such factors to do so much for us. Why then? It is all a part of the process, your process. As all works for you then all works as a process of you. Cyclic as all things.

Glee then is the expression of surging emotions. To which a joke brings a wide variety of feelings toward a subject that bodes to be expressed in the cocktail that is laughter. To laugh and/or cry, both operate in the same respect, to expel such inexplicable emotional mixtures all at once. A simple physiological express that heaves the entire vessel in the action for which it takes.

Put those obstacles outside the locus of control in their place… perspective is the key. An issue relating to the romantic, familial, financial, etc. Create a state of panic, and it is your duty to allow the 90 seconds of that emotional wave to either pass… or immediately put it into perspective. “Okay we missed the bus, we will be late now… trivial, there will be another bus and worst case we get to walk”, these are everyday events that ensure the consistent grip of reality projected from the consciousness. Such events that turn to the worst case within their context can often appear as a break from the mundane. Walking is so important to the physical and mental capacities of any vessel, and walking while observing, creates the platform to work with the soul.

Laugh and cry, it may be the very thing you require.