Replacement is part of the process. Within each role we fill in each life of another within the consciousness, there is always another candidate. It is less so to belittle the active role you play and more so a steady reminder that you bring the necessary components and then some, and as such you are there are others who fill those necessary components with differing benefits.
In the bitter-sweet goodbye of the such role, one must be reminded that God lays a plan to all this, that each role is filled for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Just as you move out of a role to be replaced, you move elsewhere to which you are needed. Is it instant? Probably, if else it is only a matter of time. Hark this, and sit comfortably in what you bring to the table so long as you are aware that you continue to improve.
Radical acceptance is cyclic, the periods of doubt and energy thrown toward issues outside the locus of control become smaller as the skill develops. Radical acceptance is a skill, to improve in any skill, one must practice, apply, and reflect on the application of. Continue to practice radical acceptance and be wary of including an indifference factor. Accept the elements that you are faced with, less so to talk for their existence, sitting ‘glad’ in the outcome as if serving some darker good.
Use discernment.