To be able to thrive in chaos is one of the first ports of call in ensuring the robustness of one’s character. If you can work with the lack of routine and function optimally then you sit outside the imprisonment of your routine, which is far better than enslavement. As such, ensure the very nature of your morning routine serves to add to, instead of make up, the high functioning mental state required day-in day-out.
How does one do this? Throw chaos into the mix every now and then. The vessel is engineered to fight a dragon every once in a while, so every once in a while go on vacation, forego a certain habit, and see how those (max) 3 days take their toll. Do you still function almost on par? Did that habit bring you down in anyway? Ask these and more, analyse the direct impact a habit has on you, for it could be beneficial to a degree that bodes too much effort for the perceived output.
To optimise, discern, test, and decide.