Often times one can be faced with beliefs that do not serve them. What is service? It feels to be rather intangible on the surface, as what can be said to ‘serve’ someone, could be serving only their delusions. To ‘serve’ requires an object/subject statement… to serve… ‘what’?
It is our responsibility to construct beliefs that serve the greatest good for us and others. It is a fine line, the one between self-sacrifice and narcissism. There are many beliefs that could do brilliantly for us, and harm others, and the vice versa. The first, and probably most important, belief to construct in service for yourself and those around you, is self-love. We must love ourselves before we can healthily accept love from another. Self-love provides the basis to power the belief in self, the confidence to conquer, and the gentle reminders of improvement and the room for it.
To find if a belief serves you, ask yourself, and do so with the intent of wanting to hear the answer, ask yourself:
And await the response, that smaller voice in the back of your mind, the one that guides you should you listen to it. The intuition.
It knows beyond the words, the line between serving the greatest good for ourselves and also those around us. Ask it, and it will reply, given the disposition that you truly care to know.
Once you have found if it serves you, keep it. Test that it still serves you, for that may change in a day, a week, a month, a year, or even 10 years down the track. If you find it doesn’t serve you, that is degrades you, then dispel and be rid of it.
To rid oneself of an old belief, one must shift the pattern of thought. Your vocabulary speaks the spells to which you see your reality. Beliefs are self-fulfilling prophecies, they skew perceptions, and it is in our best interests, that they do so in a service to self, and the external. To shift the pattern of thought, find the antithesis of it. For example:
“I shall die anyway, what’s the point, nothing matters, might as well go now”
can become:
“I shall die anyway, which means that I get to decide the point, nothing matters so that I can choose what I want to matter, it is not up to me when I go, I enjoy the ride.”
“I always end up failing anyway”
can become:
“I always learn and continue to improve”
Your vocabulary speaks the spells that make your reality, base your perceptions, and construct your beliefs, and ultimately, your life at any given moment. Change that, and watch it all switch.