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Take it slow. A wise man once said, ‘slow is smooth, and smooth is fast’. It is the ability to sit patiently within your actions that burden this reality with the extraordinary consequences of them. He who can sit through the ‘boring’ work consistently provides himself the greatest platform to build his skyscraper. These analogies you have heard before, it is only to be reminded of them in an effort to provide you the opportunity to heed them. Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast. Ultimately every beginner wishes to be like the master of their field, and in so doing moves faster to make the time gap. Instead go slow, innerstand each and every facet and recognise its importance or lack thereof toward what you are doing. If you can do it slow, then speeding up is only a matter of time. The master is the master from the experience of slow they have built up. That knowledge and skill would be wasted on an individual for whom has neglected their dues in attaining it. Revel with joy at the beginners journey, it is a beautiful facet of this existence and one to be taken with the utmost gratitude.

Remove the egoic belief of comparison, and with discernment, go slow.