Face your fears. One such statement that is most tiresome and true. Contemplate your worst nightmare, and then construct a plan to beat it. Accept it if it comes about and sit comfortable in your forethought. It is less a practice of triggering an anxietal state and more so constructing a scenario that you can then solve here and now. If it becomes apparent that you lack in areas to solve this, then you have done well to find the next steps and considerations to expand in your being. Then, do the opposite. Contemplate your best dream, focus on how it prompts you to feel, the details, remove the figures of currency and instead focus on what those ‘freedom bucks’ have done for you. In the past tense, always.
These contemplations serve to dispel the consistent and blocking habit of fulling visualising your future every present moment onwards. “Oh now that I’ve done this then my future has changed like this… xyz”. Remove that. Focus on the present moment, and every so often, fight and figure out the dragon that is the future contemplation of self. If you find yourself at a loss in managing these thoughts, simply ask yourself:
“Is this mine?” … “No.” “Then send it back with love.”
Say this out aloud if necessary and continue to do so coupled with: “I love and accept myself” as a direct reply to these thoughts. A reminder that you are the observer.
Use discernment.