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Part of this process is remembering that how you feel in the here and now is as, and most often more, important than the projected feeling of the future. Those that make pacts with themselves to abstain such elation until they have achieved their version of ‘success’, only add an extra obstacle to the very life they envision. What use is that? The path to where most envision is as gruelling and brilliant on its own, would it be better to instead glide through that in peace and joy? That either way it turns you’ll be okay because you feel that way right here and now? Even when you sit on a million-dollar yacht with a family of your own, there are new obstacles, new problems, and a new process that you get the brilliant gift of experiencing it. We trade our problems for new problems as we solve them. The idea is then to trade subjectively ‘worse’ problems for ‘better’ ones. To go from worrying about the car registration to figuring out how to register multiple cars on the same billing date. From wondering where the next meal is coming from to the frustration of choosing a new place to eat. These are still problems, still containing the capacity of causing the same minor disruptions and obstacle-styled emotive responses: fear, annoyance, anger, sadness, nostalgia, etc.

So when you are ‘there’ in your vision, you’ll still be ‘here’ and in the words of Ram Dass:
‘Be here now’.

This present moment is the same as the next in that it contains you experiencing all that is within your field. Progress aside this is the case. Make here a nice place to be and when you get to the ‘here’ over ‘there’, you’ll find it par for the course in the peaceful and content disposition you bring now.

Be here now.