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Throughout our meditations we can attune to a variety of conflicts within, as such that introspection can swiftly become a practice that is destructive. It is within this a gentle reminder:  That you may sit in solace. Observe with the intent to ensure a lack of a judgement. That it all merely is. Why solace in that state? For if all is, and all exists with the intent to merely be so… then all is ultimately in peace. The net sum of it all is peace. Embracing this means to move the focus of your measurements to the peace within simple observation, as if you are merely a stick lying on the forest floor of your thoughts and emotions, partial to all and expressing the will to only be. This is where one may find creativity, when removing the blocks of self-imposed judgements and all else, to be left as a vessel to channel a creative means toward the canvas that is your reality.

Meditate. Observe. Discern.