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Identify where you lack. This is a practice to illuminate the next step in your path. Many plateau around a level of ‘great’ when they can get to ‘awesome’ or any other subjectively greater measure. There is always room to improve, and that is beautiful as it means the work is ongoing. As a book series or media that ends only when you do and continues to be readily available at your whims at any and every moment within your present. Oh, for how boring one’s existence would be if they had zero to improve upon! Recognise this and revel in it with high spirits, the project is ongoing and still begs for your direct input and creativity… how beautiful. This is something you get to do, and it is something that serves you when done well. That the effort in = output. Do this practice and this work from a state of peace, that every moment in which you think of or work on or do what ever, that is life. Living then is merely the action of existing with intent, action can follow that or otherwise. So identify where you lack, accept this placement of self within this current present, and enjoy the process of designing your solution and then acting on it.

Use discernment.