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The vocabulary we profess is a defining symptom of the thought patterns we possess. This ultimately follows its way through the conscious into the sub-conscious and psyche. Simply put, the words we speak are direct afflictions of our patterns of thought. This is even for the words we speak in jest, for allowing such spells to be projected with your energy is enough for the receiver to consciously realise the joke all while the subconscious integrates it. This is the case for things said of us to ourselves, spoken or otherwise. Fortunately, this works as a two-way street, what is said is a direct affliction of what is thought, and what is thought is a direct affliction of what is said. Think of it as a perpetual motion machine, the starter being the initial experience of existence that was the blank slate of a newly born subconscious. From then on, it is a loop in which any which component can affect the state of the rest.
Simply put, to change your thoughts, change your words.
