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I love you. For such a simple statement that expresses the acceptance and care you contain for the object of ‘you’… The expression of love is one of the most powerful, and rightly so, it is the same connection that bonds a child to their mother, and the same that allows the continual tests of patience. To express the acknowledgment of another’s existence in full acceptance of their identity and actions is to provide a healing of your self. That in loving thy neighbour you are loving you. If you can love and accept that of another, then it is a small hop to loving and accepting your self. Ego included. Awareness of self is a practice made to provide the opportunity to give each facet of you its due. To sit in ponder under the actions and inclinations of the ego and other, to innerstand and accept them unconditionally. What else is there to do with them? To continually charge less so savoury e-motions in their direction? To constantly and consistently waste energy on fighting the self when it could be directed and elevating the selves of all (including you). We help ourselves in supporting others as they help themselves, the ultimate game is then seen. That as each works within themselves and supports the others doing the same as they all love each other as onto themselves… beautiful. It is for this you practice the awareness of the self, challenge your default actions and investigate as to why they are as they are; it could turn out well in your own judgement. If to otherwise? Then do as necessary to rectify it.
