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Six lessons for today. Each building on the next as to construct a small temple of reasoning to dictate this moment and each subjective subsequent intention thereafter. The future is in as much flux as the past is.
To begin, sit in self. The self is all and all is in the self for the self is you and the self operates as the mere reflection of the very insights thought to your mind. There is little that escapes this banner. If we then sit in self, it is our duty to love that self, for in so doing we love all and love you and shift the reflection of this world to that with the added lenses of love. What do lenses provide? The innerstanding and clarity of the view. Whether that be up close or otherwise. Next, would it be pertinent to expand our ability to take in this reality? To expand the awareness we have in each moment? Such as the shutter speed of a camera can capture more of a frame in the still, we must do as necessary to expand how we view and collect each moment as we sit present in it. So then what? Meditate. Focus on the micro will allow for the skill required to adjust to the macro. Then, once we see the larger view of afforded perspective coated in the love of self, we get to accept it and take responsibility for it.
Radically, for the passage of each moment exists to you only when you exist within it, so as such you are given the responsibility for it. This could be viewed as a larger responsibility as ever before, so then how does one manage such a gentle and fierce network? Through decisive and as equally radical action. Act to the accordance of your vision, in the micro this is broken into steps. And what of this action? Well, that is your responsibility also. So then when faced with such a large task, how can we aide our progress? Learn to work with God, to pray and to pay the respect that is so earned back to the creator of the very plane in which you toil. All operates far more successfully through love and acceptance, and the same applies when working with the larger machinations such as this.

Finally, use discernment.