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Sometimes it is less a lack of strength, and more so a need to slow down in its use and to use it in a way soon to be found. Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. If you can do it slow, then you can always add the speed. Slow means paying attention to the details, in the step that every dancer takes at a slower tempo, moving fast is the product of doing it properly slow. How do so many move so fluidly? They did it slow first. The definition of muscles are built in the end range, the details happen when the focus of your energy is directed to them. The faster the novice moves, the slower they learn. To learn fully, go slower than the minimum. As that baseline shifts, so does your definition of ‘slow’. Regressions and progressions operate to ensure a beginner can begin and within each, you’d be better to have a regression mastered in slow before progressing, than progressing before the smoothness is achieved. The slower and deeper one goes in the beginning of learning, the better and faster they learn and expand later. Technique exists for a reason. One falls to the level of their training when faced with hardship.

Go slow.