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Strive in each day. It is the hasty man full of thought that seldom achieves the machinations of his mind. It is the slower, intentional, and deliberate man full of action for whom achieves every machination of his mind. Two key differences. 1) Action and intention > Thought:
Intention and where (or what) to act upon are borne in the mind as a thought, it is following that process when or should the thought provide a landing that brings ideal outcomes to the current moment. A thought is baseless, likened to the materials in a construction yard, they sit and sit, until used to build the hefty skyscrapers of this modern age. Build. The planning and intricacies of these super structures relay and intention to build it, a worker uses each piece of material intentionally, a blender of random thoughts builds only so much. 2) Slower > Hasty. Actions taken at speed when lacking in practice lead to disaster and oversights. Actions taken at speed when practiced in detail (or slower contexts) lead to brilliant execution for time accounting for everything. One must make the trek for a run-up before their leap. You’ll go further.

Use discernment.