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And on the days we attempt to use the entirety of the energy we had store? Those days where we work and work and work for a dream, a boss, or an expression of creativity. On the whim that it could all work out. That extra effort for a prolonged period of time. There is a level of effort applied that afterward has one feeling accomplished. Worthy of a good night’s rest, having done well with their god-given time today.

How does one rejuvenate this expenditure? What can sometimes be burdened with an overly complex answer, is rather quite simple.

- Nutrient-dense Food and Water

- Sleep

- Movement

- Playful Expression

Provide your body with the building blocks for which it is made, the nutrients it requires to grow, and watch your health, wealth, and ultimately life: improve. The human anatomy is constructed of proteins for the most part. Protein is the essential building block for practically every aspect of your vessel. Mineralized water, that is including salt at the very least, is integral to proper function of your body and digestion systems. Those that crave sugar, are often truly craving salt.

Sleep. This is non-negotiable. 7 and a half hours (or sleep cycles of 90 minutes) is the absolute minimum for most if not all humans. Rest and dream, it is necessary to aide in an extraordinary number of processes for rejuvenation and healing.

Movement. Playful movement, anything as small as walking barefoot and grounding yourself with this planet. To stretching, to lifting weights, to football. Move, and sleep. Do one without the other and see the imbalance that it causes. Sleep and move, move, and sleep.

Playful expression, in the form of art or any other creative medium. Creative in experiences, in things, in people. Playing a board game to knitting, to finishing that movie you’ve been holding out on. Express, let the energy be in motion, let it flow, and let it go.

Energy is fluid. It waxes and it wanes, it ebbs and flows. Work with it.