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The past is just that: past. Those people, identities and notions of others that you perceived at the time, within those moments that find themselves ingrained as half-blemished dream. As if God himself had spilt water across his canvas purely to sweeten the lighter moments within our re-collection of his machinations. The past serves a great many uses, and the greatest is a testament to the learning and reference that it provides the new you. The you that consistently changes, for whom grows in every moment whether you care for it to happen. Those people, places, and things are beautiful in your mind and would be better kept in that treasured state. Lest the solider return to his town to find it in ruins. Those memories hold interactions between people who feasibly exist only in recollection. For as each moment passes and each grows, the vessel may be tied and may be relatively similar, the persona changes. Change is the most expressible symptom of the melancholy innerstanding that we must have it, we are wired to it, for else to forever hit a baseline and require anew a spark to begin the process of equalising once more.

This is every thing on the macro and micro. Those for whom study the reactions of chemicals and the deeper nuances of the energetic transactions on the nuclear scale, know that it all amounts to breaking even. Bare this in mind when you look back upon the ages. Likened closer to a work of fiction that many call back to, than a feasible reality now. Forward is the way to your vision and for forging new experiences that begin this cycle once more.

Such is life. Live it.