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Many mistake action to be derived from motivation. That once this abstract concept of doingness that is less tangible than the vacuum of space. Motivation is derives from action. Action is best done for its own sake, those for whom decide to induce limits upon when and where they can act, are ensuring their own falter. “Oh I can only do this when xyz occurs” = limited and an abdication of responsibility. “I can do this and so I shall.” = expanded and applicable to the present moment, moves the responsibility to its rightful place… you.

Do the thing because you can, and it is a known ideal action to take. This discussion moves to identify the distinction with motivation, intention is still seated. Simply put, intention + it’s following action = results. Motivation would be better described as momentum. If we replaced motivation with momentum, it’s true purpose and standing would be clear:
“I’m waiting for the momentum to get started.” = I await the very thing that occurs after I begin moving to move me.

Action derives momentum, and that momentum then lowers the activation energy to begin the next action, this compounds. Those who have taken days off work or gym or anything will know immediately how it takes a bit of work and effort to ‘get back into the swing of things’. This is the action-momentum cycle. It starts with action.

Act with intention.