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When faced with the task of removing your ties to another, be that in the failure of a relationship or otherwise, do well to break the emotional-energetic ties that arise in the memories of this individual. In heartbreak, it is far better to relive the memory, then visualise it as a cord tied to you and cut the tie. Do this as many times as it takes to remove the pain or longing for the memory. The present is where these memories are made, using it to wish away for a mere reference is one of the definitions of dying while alive. Cut the emotional ties until the memory stops playing or if it does play, the energy-in-motion (emotion) is detached and moved elsewhere. With this practice, or one like it, the energy blocks of the mind and the baggage is released. Resolving this as it occurs allows for a free body, otherwise one faces blockages within their fascia and joints, stress and the like can be held as points of contention across the vessel.

Accept all that is before now, accept the now, smile, and do as you see fit for your vision in this moment, to be in the next, and the next, and the next… and so on until the end.  You’ve got this, intention + action + consistency = life as you wish it lived.
