So you’ve met the next moment, and that is this moment, and within this moment you’ve once more met the next moment for which is this moment. Have you found the most ideal step for that moment? Yes? Then do so. Yet to be found? Then go ahead and find it. This moment has passed, oh and that one too, and this one as well. Accept the past for its reference, and accept this moment, wait, this moment, oh, this moment… In every moment, accept what you have to work with and then take the most ideal step for your vision in that moment. The macro is built up of the micro, look around and you see this as a reflection of the self. The quarks that form the atoms that meet and conjoin in attractive arrangements to form the compounds that ultimately build the largest macro one’s perspective allows them to see. So what is then the most ideal step in this very moment? Or now the next moment, or now the next moment… Find the vision first. If it is being found, then pick a simple idea or goal to turn into an objective for yourself. Say, health, fitness, athleticism, or currency, or relations with others… Then take the most ideal step, craving clarity on that? Then the most ideal step is to research and learn for what that next step is, then do that.