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“cui bonum”, to whom does it do good? Discernment is an incredibly important facet of living intentionally with the self-awareness of both your existence, as also your actions, patterns, and behaviors. When faced with a decision involving another party, “cui bonum”, “who benefits?”, follow the trail and you will find the answers. This entire world crumbles to your innerstanding as soon as this framework is used. Stock prices are going down, “cui bonum?”, ah those who have shorts in place. Crypto market crashes “cui bonum?”, ah those who would profit from the control and power of centralized banking.

In a more micro scale this operates, look at opportunities that seem too good to be true, and ask the question “cui bonum?”, and see, where is the downside, where is the upside, what is the risk? Who carries most of the risk? If it is found that the one who benefits is you, then by all means, take the opportunity. You owe yourself enough to merely ask with the intention of knowing the answer: “cui bonum”.

Practice this discernment, for from it, comes the innerstanding of that which surrounds you.