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There comes a time when you must let go to grow. Let go of those people, let go of those feelings, let go of those thoughts, let go of those notions of how you expected this to go. Everything is constantly in a state of flux, the enormity of it all comes when one realises that every viewer of this reality, every point of consciousness within the larger consciousness, lives. Consciousness is a synonym for realisation, as in to realise reality, and to realise something is to bring it into being, whether that be a thought or idea or action. So as the architect of your perspective, it is only you who holds you back. Bogging down in what is past brings zero discernible benefit to the present. So, if you have been bogged down for longer than you’d care to admit… it is time to let go. To realise again, that this reality is done away with these people or at the very least the form of bond you had with these people, the identities have changed, the contexts have changed, the world has changed too. Such a beautiful system as to always change, stuck in a phrase of ‘bad’? Well, guess what? It is going to change. Stuck in a phrase of ‘good’? Well, guess what? It is going to change. An ever-changing storm of perception that burdens its architect only with the details. Each moment, this present, let them go. They have their own moment and their own present and their own ideas of grandeur, and if those involve you then so be it. And if those do away with you, then so be it. Worrying for those details now only leave the current details neglected.

For how many wish they could construct the reality to their liking, when it is that you can. Detachment is to move the burden of others from you to its rightful place: themselves. See through the clouds of such hubris and do the best you can in each moment, enjoy the ride and allow space for new people, new identities to approach you and fill the very places in your life that have been vacated. There is little use staring at the empty cubicle as the job it is supposed to fill destroys your life as due to the lack of its doing. Instead, clean up. Move those memories, cherish, and let go of them, put the sign up that a new position is to be filled. When time comes for someone to fill that position, give them a chance, the expectations of a past identity fuel only a fireball of projecting alternate contexts and circumstances upon a soul for whom could be even better. Could be even better. This can only become known when the old room has been emptied and left open. So, let go. It may be longer than an instant, that is okay too, continue to let go in each moment that it may present itself. Do so and pay mind to those details in the moment with loving acceptance, for then, in a moment in the future, you’ll realise it as gone.

Let. Go.