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There is little point in beginning a conversation with an individual for whom has arrived at their conclusion with the absence of logic and reasoning. To this, it would be as building a house out of the very fire that burnt it down. Check yourself when walking into a discussion, especially in a group setting, ask yourself if they have the capacity to innerstand your spells, whether they hold the position to learn or at the very least: hear you out (as you hear them out). Whether to construct an understanding for one another or to reach some form of amicable compromise, it is within your responsibility to ensure that you use your energy wisely. To toil in the a field of rocks and little soil is to waste far more energy and time in a land where it asks too much for a seed to take root.

Then, in the compassion of the consciousness, what would one do when faced with a context in which those with ears have paid them too little the attention to listen? Lead by example. To those who struggle with the linguistic processing of the reality they see, would it be simpler to merely show them what you mean? A soul will find a way to expand in some respect, and so long as you continue to operate to your principles and with virtue, there is a higher likelihood of bringing at least one to question you. Beginning the discussion that ultimately progresses both of your journeys. The egoic ideal of ‘having it all figured out’ is just that: egoic. Honour your beliefs with constant trial, in a context to which the belief holds little to zero water? Move it, morph it, shift it, and craft (or do away with) it to apply for a better set of contexts. Each soul has something to teach you, whether directly or through their actions which pertain as zero to you. Observe with love and openness. Then do your extensive tests on what you have learned.

Use discernment.