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Quite often one is faced with the opportunity to go out and learn of where they can learn about a certain topic. In these moments where it feels far more difficult to find a teacher than to forage on your own, one must do both. The lack of a guide must be kept just as that. Allowing the lack of a teacher to move you to adopting a limiting belief on what you can achieve or to do nothing in the way of that certain topic, is to extend an external locus of control. It is within your control to try and work on it alone, and in that process, you may find a teacher. Leaving the lack thereof as a roadblock on your progress is only to find a rather justifiable excuse from doing something. If faced with an issue to which only the aid of a guide can show the way, then spend the time in finding one, as in, exhausting every avenue for it. Volume negates luck, and the man who said that has used it to his advantage every time. You can too.
