So why is it that we yearn for something more? That one some days we feel as the world to be our oyster, and on the others, such a vast lonely expanse that is indifferent to our existence. Exploration is expression, and exploration is vital to rejuvenation of spirit. Exploration is that trial and error, the action of finding more to experience, constantly questioning:
“Is this all there is?”
With a consistent and steady answer of:
“let’s find out.”
It is sometimes exploring with others, or alone, taking yourself on a journey to see what is there, what is truly possible, and to do it. To experience it, and to see if this is where you can find yourself staying for a while. Not to ‘settle down’ and stay stagnant, rather a short pit stop on this journey of exploration. One can stay in the same place, or region of living, and still continue to explore, explore self, explore skills, explore more and more of that region. Knowing self, skills, and place as the back of their hand. When that is done, or even during (that is up to you), there is once more the exploration of relationships, both in love of eros, and love of friendship. Exploration of connectedness, an ode to the salience of God throughout this vast universe we find at every scale we can fathom.
From the simple drop of water running down the spine of an evergreen leaf, to the lightning storm struck mountain for which provides such beauty and equilibrium for the planet that breathes with us.
Explore. Trial and error, revel in the error, for all it tells you is that there is more to explore, more to do, more to learn, more to be. This inter-connectedness that constructs everything, that one is never separate from the whole, for one cannot exist without the relations to all else for which defines one to be one at all. Inseparable, beautiful, and perfect.
The journey is all there is, explore.