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When faced with a task to which the very grasp on the objective boggles the mind. Remind yourself that the very inception of the task itself was dawned as a possibility from a mind that too was so enamoured with it to lead here. The fine line of comfortability and falling off the bandwagon is drawn at the point to which a task is difficult and able to be overcome. Such that the answer is only apparent after trial and effort to discern it. Too easy and one may fall into apathy and lethargy, too hard and one may allow themselves to break. So, this boggling task? It must first be broken down into the first smaller steps. In doing this, one must ensure they have researched to the point to which they can understand even that. Then to do those steps and continue in the processes of finding the next steps and so on. This is common knowledge. What is the difference is allowing oneself space from the objective. In the bouts to which the provided stimuli of research and action on the objective leave the subconscious to continue to tinker and tick for a solution. All go and zero rest? Burnout and frustration. All rest and zero go? Little to zero done, and greater frustration in procrastination. The subconscious works in addition and to an extension of the stimuli given, so diving into an idea of a solution and taking a break can do wonders in discerning the next steps while you are off elsewhere.

Use discernment.