The stillness of quiet thought is one to be cultivated with each opportunity one creates for it. To sit in a lack of attachment toward the patterns of ideas that float across the mind in any waking moment is a skill that becomes the turning point between allowing the anxiety and panic to surface and sitting peacefully. You are outside of your thoughts, you are outside your emotions, you are outside your feelings, you are outside your actions, you are outside the egoic identity you uphold, and you are outside this world that requires the inclusion of ‘egoic’ with identity when the conjoined is technically superfluous. Then, what am I? I am. As spoken from the creator when queried to the nature of existence. Simply be, and there lies your inherent value. Where the self is all constituent individuals joined in harmony.
Practice shedding the attachment to each thought as it begs for its due, many operate as noise, simply obscuring the signal to which you search for. Sit in your measurements and let go of each thought as it brings forward its matter of the moment, that its existence bodes little to zero for you, and that you can still existence in the silence that ensues when those thoughts leave.