Fairness is/was never a guarantee. Within the contexts of each moment, we may find ourselves lamenting the ‘fairness’ of the situation. That is an external force and thus is outside your locus of control, as such it is your duty to decipher what it is you can do for the context. If it is that there is zero to be done, then so be it, sit comfortably with curiosity as to how it will turn out. All has its due process and sometimes we are given the moment in which we can act on a context right when we least expect it, and right when we do need it.
Events occur in a seemingly chaotic fashion, and as the synchronicities of life send you curveballs in respect to the ‘expectations’ or ‘plan’ you had laid out for it, it is to sit with gratitude in these events. The dreamer dreams with the toolkit of what they have experienced, whether firsthand or otherwise. The dream can then be enriched as new things are learnt and seen. This applies to your greater vision.
The details work themselves out when you work in each moment in alignment with the next best step.