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Wrote once is the tired and tried knowledge available to all for whom perceive in their consciousness, what must it be? Simply that I am. All else is a bonus. As spoken to the highest of wayward winds and into the night of the ever-enveloping darkness that is human desire, you simply are. To simply be. All other purpose is a burden taken upon by the creator of that burden, and for that it is their sole responsibility. So long as you perceive, you wind the reality of such consciousness to your expectations. All those for whom go searching for something, are destined to find it sooner or later. The creator built a playground for the mind, that such an objectively simple world can become so complex when the conscious observer exists, is the very awe-striking brilliance of it all.

To sit within and know that inner-standing yourself brings changes to everything else is the first and foremost teaching to those who have decided themselves as lost. The acoustics of those who still fight, the melody of those who discipline themselves to a greater standard, and the rhythm of the masses as they move toward an ideal.

A notion is the perception of itself dawning upon the very observer as by the creator to which they are connected.
