Why is it that many seek recompence for the actions made against them? That if as ensuring the other can feel the same or worse as to learn what pain they caused. There are circumstances in which violence is the answer. In which case it is pertinent to lose the mind games, the consciousness stuck within the mind, and to instead let an animal loose. So long as one can trust their ability to bring themselves back in check. Absolution comes only in those circumstances that violence operates as an effective solution, for which ensures your survival or the survival of what you live for.
Actions made against you, for the most part can be entirely trivial, and that those for whom take things so seriously cannot oversee it, to get over themselves and innerstand this existence. To accept their present moment.
In other times, there is too many words, and not enough truly actioned. Walk your talk. Actions better align to the words, else see the carnage caused.
A steady reminder to practice discernment. That the impairment of another soul to live, is a last resort, and should only be treated as such. It is in ideality, that the thoughts that consistently run our minds can become so overwhelmingly stacked against us. This is where discernment applies.
In a hypothetical society where zero crime occurs, the relative horror to what is murder today would be the same as knocking a vase and breaking it. Humanity adapts to new baselines. A great strength and a great weakness. It means that one must question their external measure of all things constantly. Ensuring that their proportions are correct and proper to the enormity of the objective situation.
A reminder that offense is not with the other party, it is within yourself. You choose to be offended; we all do. So the next time it comes to revenge, for the vile poison of hate, check your senses, check your scale, and see the objective situation. If this is difficult in the moment, await emotional clarity before taking action.