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What ought to be done when the distractions cease? When the silence is every so profound that the mind races to fill the cacophony of silence with a cacophony of noise. Thoughts and feelings and self-monologues that batter and bounce upon one another to the detriment of the listener. What do we seek in these moments? What is the application of inner peace? To sit in that silence and stay in that silence? That there are solutions in the silence, your thoughts are only thoughts, they imply a collection of impulses based upon past reference, that is all. And just like the people that we place on pedestals, the ones that hold zero water when tested, the loudest thoughts are just that: all bark and zero bite. We sit in silence for in that silence we can hear the real signal, the stronger, quieter, and better thoughts. These are timid thoughts, in our personification of them, they are the ones for whom await their turn to speak and given the head noise that accompany many within a day… their time to speak arrives at naught. Silence is healing. Silence, or focus, works to construct and build you. Distraction comes in many forms, and to sit in silence, acknowledge the thoughts and merely focus on a single point. Your breathing, the crackle of a fire, the winds through the leaves, the touch of another. Focus on one thing and wait, wait for that focus to envelop the rest in silence.
