On the days when the thrash of ideas ceases crashing along the windswept cruces of your mind. Take heart in the silence, a brief period for which is a mere pause. Trust in the continuity of your process, recognize the creative, acknowledge that all things require rest for some moments. Revel in the clarity, go slow and in the direction most ideal for you.
Some days will find you more lethargic, slower in thought, and pushing through honey. These are the days we allow ourselves to go as slow as necessary to restfully complete our day. Exercise slowly, complete work slowly. It is better to have done half of what was needed in the day, done well and slowly, than to have multiple days off purely due to the sickness your body will provide to force you to stay still and rest.
It is the days of high drive that separate the days of a slower cruise, allow both, feel into both. Trust your process, and listen to yourself, the heart knows, the intuition knows what’s best. So let the ideas wane for the moment, they’ll be back, they always return eventually. Give yourself space to move slower than usual, in a restful manner. Ebb and flow, let it go, move even if slow. Crawling in the right direction still counts. Baby steps, it all still counts.