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Creative block, writers block, and any other block that is on the output of some mental machination occurs as a self-inflicted instance. Blockage occurs when the thinker/doer has placed expectations upon their creation or action such that any semblance of that thing must be ‘perfect’ or aligned to those expectations. Simply put, to solve blockage one must invoke a lack of expectations on the output. If it takes 20 thousand words of what serves little to zero for your expectations/vision in order to reach the 20 thousand that do, then so be it. If it takes designing that thing poorly 100 times to get it right once, then so be it. Output is, in a larger sense, the psyche expressing through your conscious perceptions, and as such will flow better when these expectations are forgone. Blockage such as this serves to block everything, where you wish to only allow what meets  your expectations through, you actually end up blocking every thing that could come through. So begin to create with only a slight idea in mind, and if those creations take a longer journey before reaching what you’d subjectively dub as ‘good’, then so be it.

Telling an art student they must have one masterpiece by the end of the year will lead to many failures, whereas telling an art student they must simply create once a week, and that it can be anything… can lead to many masterpieces by the end of the year.
