When searching for a partner, ensure that the very individual you wish to bond with, is open and allowing of vulnerable expression. Many will chop and change themselves in an effort to smooth out any ‘rough’ edges of their personality and psyche. With a partner, these walls are to come down eventually. A partner to which you may express yourself freely is one to which provides a horizontal relationship dynamic and works to progress both people. In a vertical relationship, one partner is exalted above the other, whether that be through victimisation or abject self-esteem issues, to such that one will do all they can to meet the other’s ideals. If both can freely express with each other, then that is more ideal than one’s expression being prevalent while the other minimises the true scope of their being.
Candor in expression will do well to push away those that are for others, and bring those that are for you even closer. Think friendships too, a romantic relationship (eros) applies to the same principles for the most part.