Comparison operates only to divide the whole. In that which one can be given the opportunity to feel less than another is such that one has failed in their mission of loving the self. All operate to a vision of some extent, from this then, our progress can be measured. To reach the ultimate and so highly revered ‘destination’ that is decided by the very trek the walker may take. Two that share such a destination could then feasibly use the other as a marker for their own trek. The paths may be different, that bestows little thought to the terrain that one may go upon as opposed to the other. Comparison is a far more complex undertaking than that of simple judgement across two values. Even with data it is only easy to tell who of two is ‘ahead’, the complex aspect occurs in having an explanation for as to why that is. Did this person play a certain sport at a younger age? Taught a different way of doing something? Had a habit that led to something else?