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So, then it remains that each life and each dividual of the self has a rather large number of moments that have all formed to be the persona in this current moment. Every mistake, every lesson, every thought, every action, every movement in their energy has shifted and changed and molded them and for that, any minuscule (to the human eye) change could leverage an impact on that person far beyond the reaches of the judge’s eye. Compare yourself to them and consider every movement of both lives up until this moment? Sounds rather exhausting, overly complex, and what purpose could it serve? The egoic tendences of the vessel? Or compare you with yourself from some previous reference (past), in this the number of moments to manage are far smaller, sweeter, and simpler. It is you vs you, just as the self is the whole, and just as the dividual soul is of the larger counterpart, you have only the projections of yourself for which you are responsible and hence can pass judgement upon.
