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For why would one suffer before the context to which they would possibly suffer within? To what end does one provide the whip that lacerates the inner cerebrum? Move away from such behaviours, what will be will be. If it within your power to control/change it, then do so, and if it is outside your influence, then let it go. Worry and/or stress in most cases are merely decisions that you would rather leave in flux, so it is mostly self-inflicted. Make those decisions and work with those consequences. For the time between being faced with the decision and making the decision determines the mental state of stress and worry one will face. Worry for a future context to which has zero guarantee of even occurring in the first place? It holds zero benefit for you and even as you become aware of that, gripping with the monkey voice of the vessel occurs in the continual reply with it. “Worry this worry that” to a simple reply of “I love everything, let’s be here now”. Drown it out with better patterns of thoughts, consciously make these changes and it will simply subdue that wild voice. The best place to try this? Meditation, so…
