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This moment. And now this moment. And now this moment. Is all you have to be guaranteed, there is no promise of tomorrow, or even the next moment. 1 in an infinite number of things can occur to you, around you, for you. Do with this as you will. Reminding yourself that this is it. If you sit here or there going:

“I cannot wait for my life to start.”

It already has, you may have missed the starting gun, this race is already on its way, well on it’s way. This is it. Here, now, right here, and right now. This is life. All the ‘problems’, ‘obstacles’, ‘desires’, every dream and idea you’ve thought up. Now is the time to realize it. Ideas are born twice, once within the mind, and the next within the physicality of this reality. Do you have things you ‘have to’ get done before you may begin? Then do so, and do so with haste, there is more to this than can be explained with words, it is something found when living intentionally.

Take care to reflect this knowledge within yourself. Our vocabulary paves the way for our consistent thoughts, and those consistent thoughts form the patterns of self-talk, the habits of behavior, and ultimately the life you have here and now. You never ‘have to’ do anything. You only get to do everything.

Gratitude is one of the highest vibrational frequencies to operate at. Whether you believe in the creator or not, the chance that everything has worked out to be here thus far, is indistinguishable from magic, feel the gratitude for it. There need not be an object to whom we give thanks. Gratitude, expressed in thanking the creator (if that is you), and within changing every ‘have to’ to a ‘get to’. It is a simple switch, it is a profound switch.

Watch what changes to your disposition, every problem, obstacle, moment with joy, moment in work, be grateful for it. You get to, and that is all for all you have until now and forever more, in every moment and the next.