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Our fears can be realised in an almost silent admiration and longing for their outcome. Such as the curiosity to which had killed the cat… we can spend our time longing for the exact thing we fear to occur. In a grounded example: hoping that a certain person is elsewhere from you, leading to the continual pattern of thinking of them. Or the ‘call of the void’, such that via a fear, the vessel decides it might as well occur so as to get it out of the way. Hasten to recognise this blend of fear and curiosity. To such that passion excites the vessel, whether that be violence, love, lust, fear, hope, or any other labels for it, the difference is the intention and subjective meaning given to it. Excited states are preferred to the vessel, a reminder that it is alive. For this many make those decisions that ‘chase the high’. The vessel adapts to new baselines, excited states take more energy to reach the same high and for that, one must practice a cycle in which they bring the baseline back to middle. As with most things, it is a counter balancing act.
