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So, if passion is the excited state to which the vessel craves, then why do we falter when it is within our grip? Excessive passion is destructive, while portioned servings serves to be constructive. Passion joins the duality and surpasses it as both. The same passion that brings life into this world brings the destruction of nations. Then it is to be said that passion is merely the highly focused use of energy, that just as e-motion is energy in motion, passion is a greater focus of that, there is ‘more’ energy in motion. The measure of which is another discussion. What separates the passion of death and destruction and that of love and creation? Intention and the meaning applied to it. So, the excited state occurs from a high focus, and just as a vector has both direction and magnitude, the direction of this excited state is equally as important. To see the micro, one may look to the macro dynamics of this plane, what can be seen in the mountains can be seen in the molecules.
