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Depression could subjectively be described as the consistent and almost constant feeling of a certain way that one could say is to be sadness. So, then we could discuss depression (the label) as a habit of actions. To this, one gets to see that there are many forms of depression, and what separates them is the root cause, to what some may be depressed due to lifestyle or diet, others can be choosing to feel that way through the consistent thought patterns they allow, and the lack of knowledge in how to better handle that. When many discuss depression, they discuss the ‘chemicals’ in the brain for which ‘cause’ this. To that it is asked, do you blame the arm for moving or the dividual who moved the arm? Those chemicals are a direct secretion due to the decisions of the persona, you think a certain way, you apply a certain judgement and subjective stance to an objective context, and you allow the opportunity for a feeling to arise, to which you then take and voila, chemical secretion and hello feelings! All the knowledge of this neurochemistry bestows upon us, is the ability to construct symptom stoppers (drugs) and the ability to see what the brain is doing due to the persona. If you feel to identify with this label of depression, then make the decision to improve your health first and foremost, as you may find that was the issue all along. The key here is to stay off substances that block the symptom, for that symptom is a signal that the root cause must be found and rectified. After sorting your health, should you feel the same, begin by seeing someone of whom can teach you introspection and how to better manage your thought patterns. From there is the boring work of making conscious decisions for your energy and mind space.
