The yearnings of sleep run rampant among many. Sleep is necessary, sleep is optimal, and sleep relies on the quality of, less so the quantity of. 7 and a half hours to 9 hours is the optimal range of sleep, ideally sleeping from 9am to 5-6am. The quality of your sleep relies on the time in which you go to sleep, the earlier in the night, the better. The circadian rhythm operates far more succinctly when following this pattern, as the sun sets past 6-7pm, we wind down to be in bed by 8-9pm, to then rise with the sun again.
Sleep consisting of REM and NREM is integral to your sanity and your diffusion of the past emotions and experiences of the day. There is a physiological, psychological, and spiritual reason to sleep, for else there would be zero reason to integrate a system that involves leaving the host defenseless and unconscious for a considerable portion of it’s lifetime. It is necessary to have optimal sleep, this affects the stress-levels, hormonal balance, testosterone and progesterone levels, emotional availability, muscle building capability, human growth hormone. It is all regulated through sleep and is thus so important to maintain.
A day without is less ideal, it is however better to have a day off every now and then, while maintaining a consistent pattern of optimal sleeping. Sleep powers all else, sleep is the rest for the next day. Lack of sleep results in missteps depression, anxiety, overwhelm. All follows through sleep, from sleep, and into sleep.
Apply it well.